

  • Wow, you look amazing! I like that you shared your pictures. I noticed that your husband has changed too. You both look good! I guess when you decide to make a change in your life, it also affects those close to you. I am now at where you were then. Thank you for the inspiration. :happy:
  • Wow, you're looking good! Keep up the awesome work! :smile:
  • I actually had that talk with my doctor. He said that it takes your body at least 1/2hr to start burning and loosing. So if you do only half an hour at a time, you're actually shutting down just as the body starts working to burn the fat. That actually pushed me to workout for an hour. Start at your half hour, then…
  • :smile: Mine is simple. Because most of the time, I'm watching what I eat, so of course restricting myself on some of my favorite treats. I have a once a month break your diet weekend. :devil: That way, I don't over do it with my food cravings. I find that it helps me staying on track, because I know at the end of the…
  • Wow! Thank you for sharing. This gives me hope that it's possible for me too :)