

  • Dat feel when I have friends that have been /fit/ their entire lives and are supportive of my goals I say do what you enjoy and **** the rest. Good luck OP I don't have anything wise to contribute because I have never been in your situation.
  • I have lost about 30 lbs so far and have 20 lbs more to lose. I applaud everyone's hard work and progress, or initiative to get started. Weight loss can be a long journey, and may require you to change your lifestyle. Anyways add me, I have gotten lazy with tracking my calories
  • Grad student here: Breakfast-yogurt (depending which one is on sale), eggs, sometime cereal. If I am in a rush or low on groceries I like the carnations breakfast powder Lunch I am trying to learn how make veggies more delicious so I get -cherry tomatoes -romaine lettuce (tends to be cheap where live) -1 or 2 peppers,…