xstarburrst Member


  • I think you should hang in there, keep going, and maybe focus on tightening up your diet? I lost about 5 lbs in the first two weeks of insanity and tracking my food..and then the following 2 weeks i went back up to my start weight and was super discouraged. I stuck with it though, and then all of a sudden i had a huge drop…
  • I'm so sad to hear that things like this happen all the time. But people who are that level of rude and feel the need to tear others down clearly are the ones with the bigger issue. Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
  • Its basically a lot of calisthenics and body weight exercises (jumping squats, pushups and floor runs, etc) Its not choreography, so don't worry about that. It can be hard on the joints/knees if you're not careful about form. However, If you're new to working out, I might not start here. If you're already in…
  • I am in love with insanity. I just started week 6 and did my first max workout today and it was legitimately insane. Its weird- I wake up and honestly look forward to doing my workout! Never thought I'd say that. I was 138 when i started and 128.4 today, so almost 10 lbs down. I've been eating between 1500-1700 calories a…
  • Holy crap! Apparently complaining about not losing is the way to go. Weighed myself yesterday when i woke up and i was 130.4, and again today when i woke up and i was 128.8! Guess my body just needed some time to adapt.
  • Blah.. I know, i know. I usually do stay away..this week was an exceptionally bad week with 4th of july cookouts, friends visiting from out of town, graduation parties, etc. I know i shouldn't have indulged at all (and should stop making excuses)...but i ate so much less than what i usually would have had. Crazy how aware…
  • Just realized I lied. I estimate i burn about 300 per workout and MFP tells me to eat 1300 to lose 1 lb per week, so I eat 1600ish, and net 1300ish. You suggest i eat 1900-2100?
  • Yup..usually right around 1600, give or take. Think I'm eating too little? I'm not sure if I'm estimating my exercise calories correctly, so I could be burning more. Also, i feel like the day that I'm at work I should be eating more as I stand/walk/move patients for 12 hours. I'm just worried about eating too much and…
  • I'm finishing up week 3 of insanity and its awesome! I've done it on and off since december, but never consistently. I'm doing the full program this time though and seeing how great of results i can get! I'm down 6 lbs, and I can tell the difference already..I highly recommend it! Be warned though..it really is one of the…
  • You can die of water intoxication because you screw up your electrolyte levels (namely your sodium) which can lead to cardiac dysrythmias, etc. However, you'd need to drink multiple gallons of water for that to happen which is honestly probably more than you could ever consume without actively trying. And even if you…
  • I'm 23..add me! :)
  • ooh me too! I love challenges. Start: 138 Goal: 125 (for august). Weekdays are usually great for me..its the weekends where everything falls apart. Lets keep each other on track!:happy: