

  • Good for you Ian! I feel exactly the same and your concise summary of points 1,2, and 3 made me smile. Thanks for motivating me too!
  • The DVDs from JM are good because they adapt the exercises to different levels of strength/fitness and you can stick with whichever workouts you find more comfortable, moving on to the tougher ones as your fitness improves and the weight starts to come off - which it will! I'd recommend the 30 day shred for sure - I am…
  • So I'm on day 5 of the Shred, and this week (for the first week this year) I have put on weight! I know it's not all about the weight, but I have another 12lbs to lose, and it was 10lbs, but this week I've gained a kilo. I'm hoping it's muscle...but I don't think I'd gain muscle that quickly. I'm going to keep with it as I…