CHerbert Member


  • I'm interested in your group. I try to eat clean most of the time.
  • You can freeze a bottle of water and roll your foot on it. I had it long enought that I developed a heel spur. It took about 6 months of therapy, orthodics from the podiatrist, and foot massage before it finally cleared up.
  • Every kid should be educated about where their food comes from. No it doesn't just appear on the shelve in the grocery store. I am jealous that you have fresh bison for your freezer. It is so expensive to buy in the store, if you can find it. I also enjoy venison from my fall hunts. My kids raised lambs to become adult…
  • 1 scoop Cytosport Cocoa Bean Protein Powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 TBS ground flax 1 tsp bee pollen 1 cup water 1/2 frozen banana or 1 scoop Cytosport Cocoa Bean Protein Powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 TBS ground flax 1 tsp bee pollen 1 cup chilled coffee