

  • i want to loose between 45-55 pounds.. i want to be a hair stylist and an esthetician.. i just started school and it's going to take me about 14 months to get my license.. i hope to get all my weight off by then so i can go out and become successful! good luck on your journey!
  • b/c I'm still in college I don't have money...but my mom is helping me stick with it by helping me figure out goals then when I meet them she boys me a new outfit. She a great mama :)
  • ok well the fast is easy.. all you do is cut out everything in your diet except fruits and veggies.. they say you don't have to count the calories just eat when your hungry but i'm addicted to counting.. so what i did was i cut out everything and i would eat: breakfast: one serving of fruit and one serving of veggie lunch:…
  • i have never had veggie hotdogs..i don't know if i would be able to eat them b/c i LOVE regular hotdogs,,it would just temp me i think..but as far as the milk..go almond..its creamer..and the taste is WAY better...and i also heard reviews that ppl are discovering that soy milk is not good for you at all...
  • oh yeah i forgot and if you want to add salt and other spices go right ahead! i add salt and curry powder to mine. it is delicious!