juliei Member


  • Since the beginning of January, I have been gaining/loosing the same five pounds. I just finally got over the plateau. I totally dropped my carbs and sodium for three days, got that weight off and now I'm back to loosing weight again. I have slowly put my carbs back up to where it should be but I am still really watching…
  • I believe in moderation, not deparvation. Remember, two cookies is considered a snack. You can also eat a huge salad as a snack. You do need fat in your daily life for your brain and to use all those wonderful vitamins we get from eating the fruits and vegetables. If we cut out all the things we really like - cookies for…
  • You look GREAT! Keep watching what you eat and do the exercise! I find running and playing with my kids, being very active with them, helps me with my weight loss. Good luck!!!!!! you can do it!