I was vegetarian for 15 years and struggled with my weight, went 80% raw vegan a year ago and lost some weight, as the level of raw food decreased I increased the amount of fats and regained most of the weigh back. I am mow trying to reduce the fat and increase the raw food again, the trouble is I feel hungry all the time…
Happens to me sometimes. Could by bloating or water retention I normally try again in two days and things are normally ok.
Prepare and keep a smoothie in refrigerator and have it at lunch, it will be cold and help with the heat. Also cold cropped up fruits work really well too. :smile:
When I went vegan I found I needed to count calories to keep from putting on weight. I was hungry all the time although I ate mainly whole foods. Very quickly I went up by 15lbs which did not happen when I was vegetarian or pesco vegetarian. I have now returned to being vegetarian/pesco vegetarian and the weight has began…
I find that sometimes I need to eat those calories back otherwise I feel fatigue all day but I try to eat more protein and not as much carbs as suggested. I think it will depend on how fast you need to lose the weight or how you feel that day.
This is a great book that can help its loaded which has a meal plan and recipes with lots of ideas " Easy Veggie Meal Plans Ebook Written By Kardena Pauza" it an ebook so access is instant
I don't eat meat either so I can identify with you. I have blended drinks for two of my meals ( I usually have 5 meals a day). I normally have eggs with fruits and vegetables for breakfast, a blended drink with hemp and rice protein with fruit and nut butter for snack 1, fish with vegetables and rice or beans for lunch,…