Show up and keep showing up. I need to remind myself of this more often. Thanks for this post!
Just started c25k this week and this entire thread is fantastic. Yes to the runny nose and dry lips. And I hope I never have the toenail problem. So far so good. I have to say, for someone who hasn't run in years upon years, I'm already surprised by what I'm capable of so far, even the early c25k sessions.
Yay! Congrats!! Love your attitude. Keep going, you can do it!
I always feel better on the days I work out as compared to the days I don't. Mood, anxiousness, whatever is plaguing me. It just makes me feel better. So yes! And good luck finding the right workout that does the same for you!
Great work! You look fantastic and like you feel fantastic!
This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from the book 'Anne of Green Gables' “Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it...well with no mistakes in it yet." People mess up. But today is a new day. Make it awesome.
This is not a silly thing! It's one of the things I realized I couldn't do when I was at my heaviest (over 200) and now I can do easily (30+ pounds lighter) (and counting!). I love that I can cross my legs again. You will get there too!
Bump. This is the best post.
Excellent article. Thanks!
What an amazing and inspirational story. Thank you for sharing.
Bump! This looks fantastic.
I usually read on my Kindle. It makes it feel like the time moves along faster. :)
Sounds great! Can't wait to try.
Really good post. I'm learning these things slowly but surely. Thanks for the encouragement!
Coffee. I don't let myself have my coffee in the morning until I've done some kind of work out. :)
Howdy from Lubbock! Good luck with sticking to the plan! :)
Cowboys! Red Raiders! So ready for football season... like yesterday.