

  • Changed my weigh-in day to Friday. That gives me Monday thru Thursday to burn off the weekend beer. new to mfp this week from WW and I feel like tracking is more accurate now. Impressed with the food data base here. This weight loss journey can be very frustrating so patience and persistance is key. Good luck to all
  • Hello all I'm bob from Indy north. Spent the last 53 weeks on WW Losing 33 lbs. thinking I needed more exact calorie counts to lose 10 - 15 more. Nice to see Indy has a group.
    in Howdy!! Comment by res83151 January 2013
  • Over time our desire for our high carb and high calorie foods dissipates and you get the same satisfactions from a more fruit and veg.. Orientated diet. My experience had been that the sweetness of all food gets more noticeable and more satisfying. It may be all mental but it's working so I don't over think it.