kamkam23430 Member


  • I love Insanity! I just finished week 1, going into week 2 today so I am a beginner also. I can do just about everything they are doing. I may not be able to do them as well and I definitely cannot go as hard as the video does but I make every effort to go at it as hard I am capable of. By the end, I'm soaked with sweat…
  • I drink an Advocare Spark about 30 minutes before my run/workout and it works wonders for me. They taste pretty good too!
  • You look amazing and that is so great to see you have been able to maintain that healthy, active lifestyle!!! I can't wait to be able to post before and after pictures like that of myself one day!!! Truly inspirational!!!
  • I just ordered insanity and should be starting next week! I am really excited about it, let's see if' I'm still saying that next week though! I've heard that the first month you will lose inches and not so much weight but the second month the lbs start to shed also. Good luck with finishing the program. Would be interested…
  • I joined a couple of years ago and didn't use the site really. I've just started really using it this week and I have to say that I am becoming a bit addicted to it. I would like to lose between 30 and 40 lbs so our goals are not too far off from eachother. Great job on losing what you have so far and good luck with rest…
  • That's awesome! I wish I could stay off the scale! I am pretty obsessive about checking my weight everyday......even when I'm not in diet mode. It's crazy! Keep up the good work!!!
  • I'm on day 1 of the 24 day challenge. I am super excited about seeing results! I have to say though, I only managed to get down half of the fiber drink this morning. It was so gross. Going to buy some OJ to try and make it a little better for tomorrow morning. Good luck to everyone out there trying this. Feel free to add…