

  • After you look at it and get all of that figured out you might want to try what I used to do. I put myself on an eating schedule, eating something small(even if I wasn't really hungry) every three hours, that way I never got really hungry and over did it. Another thing that helped me was to put post it's in places where I…
  • Welcome and Good Luck!! I know that you'll love it here, I sure do and everyone is very nice and helpful. 6 pounds in 10 days is a great jump start!!:wink:
  • Hi I have kind of a stupid question. I have an Air Climber that I do my cardio on and I really like it, however if I go more than 15 minutes at a time it starts to make my knees hurt. My sister told me that for it to work you have to get and keep your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes at a time. Well I'm just not there…
  • Thanks guys you're right. I'm going to measure tomorrow morning when I weigh and go from there. The scale is just evil that's all there is to it. I know that my clothes have been fitting much looser, so I guess that's what really matters. Tomorrow is a new day thank God for that!!:tongue:
  • I jumped on the scale today because it was there, it's not my weigh in day until tomorrow. I usually weight early in the morning but I happened to walk by it today around noon and decided to see what it said because I thought I had been doing good all week. Then it said that I'm UP like 7 pounds. I just want to cry!!:sad:…
  • Good luck to you. There's a few of us on here that are trying to lose the baby weight. I know that it can seem almost impossible sometimes but it's not. Been on here for a little over a month now and down 14 pounds total!! Congratulations on the little ones!!:wink:
  • Welcome and Good Luck!! We're always here for you so just ask or vent or whatever whenever. Glad you found the site too. It truly has been amazing for me!!:flowerforyou:
  • I'm going to buy some new clothes that are cute. My sister teases me because all I wear are mens Wranglers and long sleeve T shirts, button down western shirts(for dress up), and T shirts in the summer. I always have and she really wants to get me some girlie clothes. If I lose enough I really want to get a new saddle and…
  • II am also trying to lose 60 pounds. I know that it seems like it's impossible, BUT IT'S NOT. I also gained about 50 pounds since I met my husband. I wanted to lose it for my wedding also but didn't. I know that I can now and so can you. Something that might help you, I know that it's helped me, is I hung a picture from…
  • I understand what you mean. I lost 7 pounds in one week and then 5 the next. Then I only lose two last week and I know that it's good to lose it slower, but I'm having a hard time following that balance. I struggle to eat what I need to most days. Then days like yesterday I blew right by my target and just kept on eating.…
  • I think that an even better judge than the scale is your clothes. The scale can sometimes be misleading as to your real progress. Good luck!!
  • When you're nursing it takes more calories to make milk. My doctor told me that I needed to consume 800 more calories a day on top of whatever I need to maintain my weight just to produce enough milk. I know that when you're nursing it's hard to think about yourself but you have to. If you don't want to eat big meals, have…
  • Welcome ladies!! You're going to love it here I know that I do. I have the same problems that you have and here's some suggestions that have helped me. When my son eats I eat that way I get three meals a day. He'll have his breakfast and I have mine. Also since it takes him so much longer to eat, that's also when I work…
  • Hey don't worry about it. I totally blew it today. But tomorrow is a new day and we'll all do better, right? No reason to beat yourself up over it. Hang in there!!:wink:
  • thanks so much guys. That all really helped me, just another reason why I LOVE this website. I'll keep up the strength thing I guess I just need to come up with some other exercises because I really don't like what I've been doing and that makes it hard to do it:grumble: Another thing is the lady on the dvd that I do for…
  • Amen to that. If it couldn't be Peyton at least Eli was able to get the job done. I'm still mourning that the Colts didn't make it but last night helped me to heal at least a little!!:wink:
  • Since I've started working out I'm losing less weight and I don't like that. So here's my question, I have great muscle strength and tone UNDER my layer of fat. I don't really want to gain anymore muscle I just want to get rid of the fat that hides it, so should I continue doing both cardio and strength training everyday…
  • you can do this- trust me I have started!! I don't think that low carb is the way to go. what I'm doing is just everything in moderation and I've lost 14 pounds in the last 3 weeks!! Try going off the food pyramid it's amazing how full you are if you eat all of your fruits and veggies everyday!! Good luck remember we're…
  • Yes organic farmers are still farmers. However they do still use chemicals to help their production, things like dish soap and such rather than pesticides. As for the hormones and such I don't think that they are as bad for us as the media has lead everyone to believe. They have to blame the weight problem that our country…
  • No I agree with you completely. I live way out in the country so fast food was never an issue for me until I went to college, then Arby's became my best friend and I started gaining weight. Even now I can tell a difference when I cook from scratch at home or when we go out to eat. I eat a ton of elk meat, and not farm…
  • Do I have to eat the calories that I earn. Right now my base is 1200 calories. I've been burning between 200 and 600 a day and I don't want to eat that much more. I feel really good where I'm at. I've started making much healthier food choices(which I can eat more of since they're better for me) so sometimes eating the…
  • Great job you should be so proud of yourself. I can't wait for the day that I can say that. Thanks for posting because I was really needing to know that it can be done today. I'll keep going thanks again for the inspiration and CONGRATULATIONS YOU LOOK GREAT!!:happy:
  • I think that being that short isn't something you should do often. Having said that I have the same problem more days than not. I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day and I know that you should never eat less than that. I try to plan throughout the day, that way I don't have too much to eat at night. I hope this…
  • I was in the same boat. I had been doing everything right and then when I would get on the scale nothing. So I quit weighing for about a week or two and just went by how I felt. Also try not to change too much too fast, I think that's just setting yourself up to fail in the long run. Do little things that you know you can…
  • I know that I also have back pain and what I do to try and relieve it when it gets bad is walk a little pigeon toed. I know it sounds crazy but it spreads my hips a little and take some of the pressure off of my lower back. Good luck!!
  • I think that if you aren't comfortable in the dresses, then don't wear them. I for one haven't been in a dress since the day I got married- over two years ago- and before that I think it had been since my high school prom, so I understand if you're not comfortable in them. I also have ripped my pants and not been able to…
  • I'm gonna try this. You guys will be the only people who actually know my weight. Here I go... Start weight ( Jan 4)-190 Next week ( Jan 11)-192 Last week (Jan 18)-185 This week (Jan 25)-180 Vday goal 170 hopefully:heart:
  • My prayers are with you. I know that there's is nothing that anyone can say that will relieve your pain. Just try to remember that like all things this to will pass. Remember the good times and pray that the Lord helps you to make many more years of happy memories. Your friend wouldn't want for you to be sad. If you feel…
  • Thank you so much. That's going on my fridge along with a sign that says then answer is NOT here!! I really needed to hear that this morning to remember that it's only up to me. I got this way by denying myself and I will change it by listening to myself.:heart: :smile:
  • thanks I'll try that. It's just hard when I'm not really hungry, but hey that's really not a bad problem to have. I tried weight watchers one time and I was starving the whole time I was on it.:smile:
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