mhairiannet Member


  • This is absolutely not true. I was 140 lbs when I was first diagnosed and I still had a lot of the physical symptoms inc awful skin, irregular cycle and darker body hair. Weight loss can ease a lot of symptoms for a lot of people but don't think that it's some magic cure!! PCOS can't be cured >>…
  • KBig14 - I'm fussy with fluids too. Absolutely addicted to diluting juice! If that isn't your thing I find sparkling water much better than still. You could try that with a splash of fruit juice in it or just on its own? I think the biggest thing in terms of medication and cutting out/including certain food groups is that…
  • Hello all, I am also a PCOS sufferer. I am fortunate enough not to experience too many physical symptoms and until recently I was on a Yasmin prescription and it didn't bother me at all. My GP will no longer prescribe me Yasmin and when I changed pills I put on a stone (14lbs) in the space of around 4 weeks...Not ideal...…
  • I'm in :) SW: (Starting weight) 154 CW: (Current weight) 152 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 147 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (8/01 Friday): 152 8/02 Sat: 8/09 Sat: 8/16 Sat: 8/23 Sat: 8/30 Sat: End of Month (8/31 Sun):