jmcdaniel0 Member


  • The math is hard to argue. I do not know any fat runners. And From what I know most serious runners are super thin and scrawny for a reason... AS I understand it they train that way, to keep the weight down and be able to run faster and farther, or am I wrong here?
  • Shoes are so important... I have found that the Fila brand Skele-Toes are superb for running. They are the so called Toe shoes, look weird, but feel great!
  • OC Literally means: Oleoresin Capsicum The cheaper Mace you can buy is (Like purse or keychain sized) is a 0.5% solution of OC, where as true OC spray, will be a foam not an aerosol spray, and its mix it somewhere closer to 5.5% The higher percentage, the worse the burn... You want it to be foam because not only does it…
  • I just LOL'd at this... Just thought i would point that out! Thanks for the chuckle.
  • I have been sprayed with OC spray hundreds of times! Never once have i had any side effects.. The dog will be fine. It will just teach him a lesson or three. Before you think I'm a stalker, I used to be in the Army, while in one of my jobs was a Military Police Weapons Instructor. Part of the job was getting sprayed every…
  • I see what you did there...
  • Recommended is 8 cups or 64 oz a day.
  • Current weight: 266 Goal: 246
    in Weigh in Comment by jmcdaniel0 June 2012
  • You should get you a nice can of mace. Not the silly little cans women put in their purses but a real can of OC spray. The dogs looks at you funny, zap it. it wont do it again. Use some thing like this... A few shots of that and he wont be so mean... and it will fit in…
  • This is absolutely true!!!! When I was in basic training in the Army, I ate the provided food for entire duration, never once having a soda, candy, or my weakness a burger and fries. True I was in some of the best shape of my life, but the point being is that I had abstained from junk 100%... The very day of Graduation my…
  • Forget the BBQ, I want a cheeseburger and fries! ... Like the other folks said, if you logged right, and have a but load of cals to eat, then go for it. It will be detrimental if you mis logged and over eat and go over your goal... I mess up my logs a lot so I know how easy it is done... You can always eat up to your cal…
  • These types of races are right up my alley. First on my list is the zombie run, the a warrior dash, then maybe a tough mudder.... Dunno yet, but I am surely gonna try!
  • me and my wife are having bbq pulled pork salad and steamed green beans... She has been making teh pork all day today, so I am excited!
  • Sounds like a great idea, and should fall right in line with my goals! Add me, and ill give it a go!
  • I can agree with this... My wife is way more self critical than I am. I take it for what it is. I love her for her. Not how skinny/fat she is. So its not a big deal to me. If she wants to work out, I would be glad to join her. But i wont force her. I think a lot of women need to love themselves as much as they want someone…
  • I got a question: Why do women develop complexes of such things? I know you do. My wife does the same things. I'm not saying the guy was in the right, sounds like to me it was said jokingly, and not in a mean spirited way, but it doesn't take a genius to realize it was a bad idea.... But my wife will walk past me and slap…
  • I can say that, for me at least, The Hunger has diminished. I mean I still get hungry, but I try to make sure that i make what I eat better and more filling than what i was... Plenty of Protein is the key for me... I can eat grilled Chicken, steamed broccoli, and a side salad, with all the fixings, less cheese and…
  • I have this same issue. My wife is not really trying to watch what she eats, and that is fine. When i approached her about me getting back into shape, I made it clear that She did not have to, but i would love the company. Well, she isn't thrilled about it, so I leave her alone. However, That means she still wants to go…
  • I see. I d have a blender bottle, no worries there. I guess I'll just have to try some. Thanks for the help!
  • i saw this on one of my daughters bibs back in the day.... " Spit Happens" Hit the workout hard, burn the extra crap off... Put all that sugar and carbs to fuel... Smile and move on! Tis all you can do.
  • I agree with here on some points... But. If someone is sedentary, starts running, and is doing the C25K thing. they haven't maxed it out yet, then why wont it work. You are right, once you body adjusts to the running full speed for as many miles as you can, She WILL have to change it up. That is common sense. So you are…
  • Let me jsut debunk this: 1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go" 2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want" 3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin" 4) "You need…
  • You are good to go at Ruth Chris... assuming it is the same restaurant as I have here... its a Fancy smancy Steak house yea? Just eat a smaller steak, you know not the 20oz porterhouse, a smallish potato(if you just gotta have it) and salad.... No big deal... What I usually do is take half of the bacon/cheese/croutons…
  • My wife is a flats or go home kind of gal! I have never bee too caught up on the height thing for women... I know a couple of guys that will only date short girls. im talking 5'5 and under, its odd if you ask me! But any ways, Doing a great job!
  • I am actually 5'11 so its cool! back in teh day, I dated a girl that was 6'2... that was odd...
  • why do no pics show up for me? its like 30 percent show up and the rest dont... Odd. But either way, hats a good loss! My wife is also 5'10!!!
  • Elliptical, free weights, and maybe some tread mill, if i can squeeze it into my lunch break!
  • I have to San Juan many times, There happens to be many many great grilled/ braised chicken dishes that aren't too bad for you. Obviously moderation is going to be your biggest friend here. Take it easy on the beer and rice, and load up on good lean proteins, drink lots of water, and you really should be just fine. I have…
  • I'm the opposite again... I kept all of my smaller clothes from when I was in the army... Now I am just working to get back in them!
  • This times a million!!!!