jbirkett7 Member


  • Thanks for this, I'm going to finish my second C25k next week, because I lost momentum without any clear goals afterwards. These are great options!
  • I was told to try to keep the weight gain between 15 - 20 pounds being overweight to begin with. I walked everyday and was able to keep within that number. When I came home from the hospital, I was only 4 lbs over what my starting weight was and lost those extra 4 lbs within 2 weeks.
  • Sorry your bummed. I've been there too. I let myself get into a depression cycle because getting pregnant was just not happening for me. I hated that my first reaction to friends who had babies was jealousy, but didn't want to talk about it to anyone, for many of the same reasons you've mentioned. What I realize now is…
  • HI 33 here working on the first 15 - 20 lbs to get me back to my wedding weight (8.5 years ago, lol). Add me if you like. :smile:
  • Congratulations! Wishing you a easy and non-eventful pregnancy. It's totally worth it all.
  • Queen late here on the discussion, but just wanted to check in to see if you had any luck. I went through a similar process to conceive my son who is just about to turn 1. Similar to you, they held back my trigger shot until much later, CD21. We decided not to do the IUI and were very lucky to have success the first time…