

  • Its about being healthy and happy - If he loves you whatever your size thats great but wanting you heavier and less happy is just wrong! Is he insecure with a sexier looking you? Do you get less male attention when your heavier? Just a thought!
  • Ditch the scales and use a tape measure, as everyone has said muscle weighs more than fat so you won't lose the LBS. If your training with weights look at where the calories are coming from Protien/carbs you should def be taking in a fair amount f protien
  • All you want to do is Veg! have some then Carrots are great - lol you can do it - you've just gotta want to
  • Still 10Lbs better off! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the road again. You are human your allowed to slide back a bit, just keep trying to move forward, Congrats on the 10lbs
  • Your gonna have to go it alone fella, you must eat your own meals and leave her to eat crap, she's probably threatened by you becoming more healthy and more attractive to other women! Its not uncommon, I know a man who tied to keep his wife fat because he felt more secure that way - She's now my wife - totally supportive…
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