mcheather14 Member


  • For me it depends on how hungry I am. I always try not to eat them back, but if I am ravenous, I opt for some fruit and cottage cheese or a greek yogurt or protein shake. I am hypothyroid so losing weight AND keeping it off has proved to be especially difficult for the last 16 years (since age 22). I did want to mention…
  • I was 22 at diagnosis, am now 38. My TSh was 208, they had me re-tested because they had never seen a TSH so high. Came back the same of course. Been fighting weight issues ever since diagnosis. I am a medical lab tech and work closely with my doc to keep it under 1.0 at all times, sometimes it goes wonky, but we get it…
  • You look absolutely gorgeous! You are an inspiration to all. Keep at it and have fun doing it!
  • Hi everyone ~ I have been hypo since 1997 after my 2nd daughter was born, though I suspect it started after my 1st daughters' birth 2 years prior. No matter now though, I am very overweight. I have about 70 pounds to lose. I also had a total hysterectomy 3 years ago due to endometriosis and have gained considerably since…
  • As a 12+ year Medical Lab Technician and a 15+ year hypothyroid patient, I can assure you that you would need to injest an extremely high amount of soy daily to have it interfere with your thyroid meds. I drink Silk Soy milk frequently and find it is easier on my stomache than regular 1% milk and I am not lactose…
  • As a 12+ year Medical Lab Technician and a 15+ year hypothyroid patient, I can assure you that you would need to injest an extremely high amount of soy daily to have it interfere with your thyroid meds. I drink Silk Soy milk frequently and find it is easier on my stomache than regular 1% milk and I am not lactose…
  • I wil be 38 in a few months, feel free to add em as well, I need motivation too! I eat pretty healthy, but there is always room for improvement, and I need to get on that exercise wagon again. I am a very busy mom with 2 teenage daughters that are involved in every sport, event, and group activity at school. I have a lot…
  • Hi everyone ~ I'm Heather, 38, mom of 2 very active daughters, and 70lbs overweight. I did some strength training for about 3 months a year and a half ago, but that was in a gym with a personal trainer. Have had many obstacles since then and no longer have the gym membership. I have a very weak lumbar region, herniated…
    in Welcome Comment by mcheather14 June 2012