mnmpc Member


  • Thanks for the advise. Cravings to eat when you are watching your intake are the worst ever. I know that I'll regret it if I give in but sometimes thats not enough. I'll check out the 5-htp website. Thanks again.
  • Thanks for your input. I've been counting calories and walking when I can manage to fit it in my crazy day. I've lost 50 pounds over the last year but have put 10 back on since Thanksgiving. I let myself slack over the holidays and am now desperate to regain my lost ground. This back peddling has me searching for a quick…
  • Has anyone tried an appetite suppresant they are having luck with?
  • Hi, I'm new here also. I understand about the over eating over the holidays. I did quite a bit of that myself. I'm still trying to take it back off.