dande2169 Member


  • Don't be ashamed! You are trying to make life changes. Take it one step/day at a time. Believe in yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes and be nice to yourself. You CAN & WILL persevere!
  • I used to work with a couple of women who shared in the plight of PCOS - they are cousins. The one spent a fortune TTC and never had any luck for more than 10 years. Her sister that doesn't have PCOS eventually did surrogacy for her. The other went to eating a Mediterranean style diet and she was able to conceive within…
  • I understand how you're feeling like the odds are stacked against you. I still remember the day I was diagnosed with PCOS and I was absolutely devastated. But my husband and I sat down, researched it together and decided how we would proceed with trying to get pregnant (I truly only wanted to conceive naturally - I always…
  • I'm currently doing the Low Glycemic Index diet and I really like it a lot better than low carb. My blood sugars are better regulated than they've ever been (just had my A1C rechecked and it's 5.1%) and I even get to eat carbs that I had been restricted from for a long time (like vermicelli pasta- YUM!). I do monitor my…
  • I know how difficult it is to not worry, but try to stop stressing about it. The night we conceived our 1st child, my husband and I decided that if we really had difficulty conceiving that we wouldn't potentially waste money on IVF - we would adopt instead. Our son is 3 years old. Pregnancy #2 was not planned at all and we…
  • I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with child #2 (3rd pregnancy). All 3 conceptions were during weight loss ( pregnancy #2 were twins and it, unfortunately, wasn't meant to be). With this pregnancy, I was doing fitness boot camp 3 days a week, running 2 days a week and hiking 2 days a week - I had lost 27 pounds in 5 months…
  • I have PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes. What has worked best for me is combining the Low Glycemic Index diet (a lifestyle change for me) and monitoring my carb/fiber intake. I love the Low Glycemic Index diet because I can eat things that I would typically have to avoid if I was just counting carbs. However, I have a rule that I…