slcobb001 Member


  • I'm a long distance Bike rider and my son is an ultra-marathoner. One of the reasons we both do these is the people who we are exercising with. We didn't just start doing these rides/races. We started doing just what you are doing. One foot in front of the other. Because of that we remember those days when we thought a 100…
  • My son is an ultra-marathon runner... 50 to 100 mile runner. He says you have to choose.. lean thin for running or bulked up for other sports. You run the best with strong thin muscles. So it is what you want. You can run distance with bulked up Muscle but you will perform better with the slim strong muscles from running.
  • I ride a Yamaha Royal Star Venture, mostly 2 up with the wife. Have for years. I also ride a Cannondale R500. Anything on 2 wheels is what I love.
  • WOW... You look fantastic... Congratulations and happy birthday! Keep up the good work.
  • You are totally correct... AND it really doesn't work. Your body goes into starvation mode and two things happen. First, your body starts holding onto everything it can hold onto to fight the starvation. The second is it triggers your hunger. So you don't lose the weight that you expect and you walk around STARVING for…
  • I have been at goal weight for almost 2 years... Please remember .... you will go up and down on your weight... It is normal... Set an upper weight limit that you will stop and go back on the weight loss program, The same day you reach that weight! Next, set a lower weight goal that you will relax and allow yourself to…
  • Ya... So proud of you.. Great Job... It is worth all the work.
  • YES !!! Go for the gold.... 26.2 :-)
  • If you have 1200 - 1500 calories a day and you eat a McDonalds burger for one of the meals then reduce or skip another meal to keep within your limit... you will lose the weight. That being said... not the best way to go and I don't recommend it. However, if you HAVE to have McDonald's or you get discouraged and give up…
  • I agree with the fellow below. Go to a good bike shop and have them fit you for the road bike. If you like riding but don't like your equipment you will soon stop doing it. Get a bike you like and you will enjoy the work out, that will help keep you on track!
  • I just did 45 miles today. First don't try to fit it yourself. Go to a local bike shop, have them check the bike and they should fit it to you then. Most will do a quick look and fit for free. After that go and buy a nice 6 panel bike short. It really will make a difference. Then you just have to do the seat time! You will…
    in Cycling? Comment by slcobb001 May 2011
  • Just stay on the plan.... Your body won't take in all the calories you ate in one day. The scale will show the bump, just laugh it off and go on with what you are doing. Holiday feasts should be planned for and enjoyed...I fast a little BEFORE the holiday so I can relax during the day and enjoy it. Good luck on your…
  • Remember: If you lose to fast... you will have a harder time keeping it off... That is one major reason fad diets fail. Go slow... and set realistic goals. You didn't gain your weight all in one month...You can't lose it all in one month. Great job so far... 17 lbs in one month is GREAT!!!
  • I agree, 10 lbs in 3 weeks is a very good start !! If.. you continue to watch your calories and keep up the exercise then you WILL reach your goal. It doesn't happen overnight but it will happen. Increase your exercise when you feel you can. Most important find an exercise that you enjoy doing and then you will keep doing…
  • How long have you been working out...???? Feeling like that is your body telling you that you are over-extending. That doesn't mean that you should stop. If you are just starting to exercise then, yes, you are choice... to get STRONG !! If you have been exercising for over a month then you need to do…
  • If.. you exercise and stay above your zone, for most of the exercise, and you feel good after you're done, then I think that you need to re-adjust your zone. The zone is an indication of your heart's fitness. Just as the rest of your body gets fitter so does your heart. Being above your zone (when properly set) is a…
  • Hi.. I joined to lose 30 lbs and track my exercise to fight my Multiple Myeloma, Cancer of the plasma cells that fight infection. I have lost the 30lbs and I'm riding over 100 miles per week on my bicycle! My cancer numbers are down and I'm doing much better with my outlook on life and living with this…
  • Let the program figure that out for you. Only caution is to use a secondary program or a heart rate monitor figure out how many calories you are using for a given exercise. I find that my bike riding uses less calories than MFP gives me. So I usually adjust those calories down to what my other programs say. It is all an…
  • People learn to like you the way you were... Not what you have become... Most are trying to help but really don't understand. I have cancer and lost the weight and increased my exercise to help me fight it. People are almost always uncomfortable with those 2 facts. I smile and keep the faith. My weight loss and exercise…
  • Unequal numbers of friends NEVER work with girls. Found this out raising my girl and my granddaughters... Find something you like to do.. Focus on you, get the body moving and when the gym gets boring they will be back. I love to cycle but for you it could be walking, swimming, video workouts... whatever... just get the…
  • What a GREAT story. Keep up the good work and really enjoy the person you have become!
  • I agree with the lady who was shocked that you are trying to do this. It will cause you to gain weight in the long run. You will push your body into starvation mode. If.. you lose the weight as soon as you give your body the chance it will store almost everything you eat. You will be hungry "ALL THE TIME"! If you quit then…
  • I was a US Marine....No pain No gain, isn't talking about muscle pain after a hard work out but the effort you put into the work out itself. It is all about doing the very best you can. I agree that you shouldn't have muscle pain during or after the workout. You should have tired muscles, or some soreness ( at first ) but…
  • Yes!!! That's the way it works with me... I hit a hard spot and stay there for what feels like forever... then it just comes off in big chunks! I'm in the big chunk part now... I trust the program even when it isn't seeming to work.... the POW... the weight just falls off! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
  • Prayer sent.... Sorry for your loss
  • I think everybody is different and everybody have different feelings about it. I like my water at room temp. I'm a long distance cyclists and cold water cramps me up. My son is a long distance runner and has an insulated water holder because he has to have it cold with ice... Do what is best for you... I agree that if you…
  • When you exercise you need to take in more calories. If you don't then your body will move into starvation mode and stop losing plus you just won't feel good or have the energy to continue the exercising. The goal is to properly track how many calories you use and bring the net figure back to the basic figure you set up to…
  • The goal in starting ANY exercise program is two fold. First find something you truly enjoy doing! If you find something you enjoy then you will be more likely to keep it up! Second is to not over exercise!! I can't stress this point too much. A lot of people start and then ramp up the intensity, time etc. to the point…
  • Yes ... you can do it... I'll tell you my story... I have Multiple Myeloma... A cancer of the immune system. My oncologist told me to lose 20 (now)... It will help keep the cancer in control. So... you see..losing the weight is helping to save my life...and yours! That's a good way to think about this. lose you…
    in 40 in 4 Comment by slcobb001 June 2010
  • I'm glad the adding extra calories worked for you.... However, I'm of the mind set that your body needs to get use to lower and lower weights. That is why you stop losing and then start again. By doing your best to relax and stick with the plan you will get to where you want to be. You didn't put the weight on overnight…