

  • Coke was a very hardvthing for me to give up. I drink 4-5 coke zeros a day. I have read that the sweetness does register in your body as calories but since there are no calories your body will look for them elsewhere in other sugary things. I'd love to give it up too, but one thing at a time. I'm just getting into the…
  • I don't have any great words of wisdom for you. Just wanted to say that I've been in the exact same place!! One of us won't feel well or be too tired. It's hard not to think that if you skip it won't happen that time, but I also don't like yo think of it all as a chore either. Good luck!
  • Thanks so much. Of course, I found the group just after I posted! Melissa
  • Hi, everyone. I'm new here. My husband and I have been TTC for about 2 years now off and on. Recently had surgery for endometriosis which I am told went well. Fingers crossed. 2ww started this weekend. I'm 252#. Am wondering how the bump works with larger bumps? Do you ever get to the point that you look pregnant and not…
  • Thanks! Much luck to you too on your journey.
  • I love 1tbsp of natural peanut butter on a mutligrain sandwich round. Tomorrow I'll add a pear to that. I second the idea of a thermos for hot food. I'm not in college anymore, but I spend most of my days on the road. I don't have access to a microwave and get tired of sandwiches and salads. I hate that I'll end up at fast…
  • Congrats on your progress and being a survivor!!! Much luck ongoing! Melissa
  • Hi, Kristin. Congrats on your weight loss and on your pregnancy! I'm not pregnant .... YET. But keeping my fingers crossed. We've been trying for a long time. If/when it does happen, I plan to continue to use this as a monitor for calorie intake and weight gain. I'm overweight, and there will be a limit to how much I can…
  • Congrats! Awesome. I'm new here too. Keep it up. Melissa