

  • Hi, I'm Kayla! My superpower is being extraordinarily bad at certain genres of video game but still being masochistic enough to suffer through them anyway!
  • Hooray! Virtual hugs all around =)
  • All of you. Get on my friends list! ;D Video games here. Lots and lots of video games. Although I do enjoy anime, LARP, and the occasional "Nerdy" tv show as well. I mean. I cosplay. How much more geeky can you get? ;)
  • Ahh freshman year. Good times. Allow me to be the first to reassure you that it does actually get better (either that or you just learn to handle it better). But that's a story for a different day. =) That being said. please feel free to add me! I'm also a newbie, and I find that having a support system (read: people to…
  • Regardless of whether the doctor in question is right or wrong (something I'm not going to debate since I'm not even going to pretend to be a doctor myself), if you're feeling like you need a second opinion it may be time for a new doctor anyway. There's little point to seeing a doctor you don't trust and don't like. But…
  • Feel free to add me! The staff at my office are offering great support during the week, but weekends are dicey sometimes. And let's not even mention my vacation last week *ahem*. (And, I mean, I like getting to know people and who doesn't need more support?) I put on weight at the drop of a hat, it seems, so sometimes it…
  • Black coffee is interesting- you just have to try a little bit of everything until you find what you like. A medium roast is usually a good starter- and usually something of a little higher than, say, Folgers. My coffee-snob boyfriend and his parents drink Gevalia. It's a little cheaper than Starbucks and it's pretty good.…