trshumway Member


  • Hi fellow Veggie- I am closer to vegan than a vegetarian and, thanks to this site, find that I meet my daily allowance of protein almost every day. This site has really opened up my mind to the fact there is protein in everything that we eat, and if we balance our diets well, whether vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater, we…
  • I posted a message under the heading "Fast Weight Loss Vs. Health Issues" about my detox experience in June. Acai Berry was one of the staple of the details, as well as regaular colonics (not the actual colon cleanse pills or drinks - those can be very harsh on your system.) I had an amzing experience, but also understand…
  • Have you thought about doing a detox? I know there are some non-advocates of detox diets on this board, but speaking from personal experience, it can work and can be very safe. The the one that I did in June is called the Martha's Vineyard Detox and it has completely changed my life, in so many positive ways. Like you, I…
  • I have to say "ditto" to everything that JazzyJules just said about being obsessed with this site. I was recently at a baby shower and snuck away to the bathroom to write down everything I ate and drank to report in my Food Diary later - is that sad, or what - I didn't want to forget! Truthfully, this site has helped me…
  • Don't eat anything at least 2 hours before bed time, and yogurt is an excellent dessert - satisfies the sweet tooth and you get your essential probiotics that you need.
  • You are only supposed to eat fruit 2 hours away from meals - it needs to digest by itself - that is why it is the perfect snack. I eat a cup of fruit about 4:30 before I leave work to go to the gym and it works wonders - gives me lots of energy and then I am not as ravenous when I finally get home and have to start making…