MustLoveSammiches Member


  • Mix it up! The best abs workouts for me are ones that have a little of everything. You need to work not only your abs but your core. Try weighted sit ups, some leg throws, bicycle crunches, planks, push ups, russian twists. Your core is used constantly so it's a beast to work out, but it also means it can take a beating.…
  • Be sure you're engaging your core during every work out to strengthen those muscles even when its not abs day. If you tuck your tail bone slightly your abs engage almost automatically.
  • Warm up with a fast paced walk for 5 to 10 minutes rather than stretching before a run. Stretching is best left till after the run when your muscles are warm and less likely to tear. I personally do yoga for runners (found on youtube by yogadownload). Also a lesson I learned the hard way (Germany is quite hilly) when…