

  • Hi guys! I had my second baby three months ago and am ready to rid myself of this mummy tummy!! I have about 15 pounds go to goal, but I know these will be the hardest, especially with camping season here!! I'm only on day two, but already feeling better, feeling more in control and accountable. I lost 50 pounds with WW…
  • Hi!! end of day one and it went really well. I love seeing all of the fellow moms out there. It is so easy to put husbands and children first and it sometimes feels wrong to want to take care of ourselves, but I know it will be better for everyone if I take the time to take proper care of myself. Thanks to all who have…
  • hmmmm, may have encountered a problem.....just tracked my meals, including supper (because I've cooked it already) and I only have enough calories left for half a glass of wine. LOL! This is going to be harder than I thought. Just kidding! ;)
  • So, how long have you guys been on this site? Chaz...have you lots all your weight on here?! You are an inspiration! Great work!! Navy...welcome and congrats on the 5 months old, such a fun age!! Wakie...I have a three year old too! PS- dads count too!!
  • yes of course that counts!! Welcome!! Lets keep each other going and track our progress. Today is day one for me and of course I'm feeling motivated today.....but tomorrow may be a different story!! Good luck to you and lets wow them at these weddings!