Try 4Cs energy Rush in water - can get iced tea or fruit flavor. I lost my taste bud for coffee and this is a good no calorie way to get caffeine without the super strong rush of monster or 5- hour...
I started adding pasteurized egg whites to my shakes - can't even tell they are there and it get's my protein numbers up...
Check out this link: I learned to make my own using this recipe i found on myfitnesspal is very easy and so much less expensive than store bought. You can strain it to make it thick like greek yogurt. I think it tastes better because…
Check with doctor... I had severe leg cramps for a few weeks. Increaded potassium, drank quinine, did all the wives tales for leg cramps. Turned out i had a major blood clot that need blood thinners and time to heal.
Search on Chelle at mfp- she posted the best way to prepare the noodles by rinsing then dry frying in a hot pan for 5 mins. They won't stick. The texture is greatly improved. There are several threads on this by her( and others)
Sometimes your cycle can affect your hunger....
Read the recipe board many good ideas!
Thank you for posting this- i never knew there was such a food. It was so easy to make ( i used an over night oven method) and the finished product is so good. Definitely will be adding this to my secret weapon foods!
- are not the only one. Big dinner = big breakfast. Watch the carbs....they create the cravings
Recognize 15 yr old boys have hollow legs ( have one as well) and eat to achieve YOUR goals... I typicalky skip the carbs....
Yes- just got it this weekend- tastes great. Very sweet
Very good fish...just dont google a pic... My teenagers did that after i ordered at a restaurant... Still, good stuff!