

  • Hi there! I do apologize for the late response. I am trying to do better about checking the blog messages (o: However I am glad that the post gave you the boost you needed. How are things going? I would love to motivate you as in turn you motivate me. I have started a movement called WLj (Weight Loss Journey). All it is a…
  • Hi there! I do apologize for the late response. I am trying to do better about checking the blog messages (o: However I am glad that the post gave you the boost you needed. How are things going? I would love to motivate you as in turn you motivate me. I have started a movement called WLj (Weight Loss Journey). All it is a…
  • Thanks! I am so excited! I have been raving about this site all day! It has already began to prove results in just a few days!!! Thank you for the warm welcome... I look forward to sharing my journey, and learning from those of you who have been well on your way!!!!
  • Hello! And first of all, thanks for stopping by WLj... I am excited for you, as the road to becoming healthy and fit is often times very difficult for many of us. Me included! That is why I am so grateful for sites such as this that provide tools, and outlets to connect with others that can help us stay encouraged,…
  • Hello! And first of all, thanks for stopping by WLj... I am excited for you, as the road to becoming healthy and fit is often times very difficult for many of us. Me included! That is why I am so grateful for sites such as this that provide tools, and outlets to connect with others that can help us stay encouraged,…