

  • Wow, my husband and I are thrilled. Last night we finished our second workout, and I must say, I actually feel like we will both make it the 90 days, and we already feel better.
  • Thanks for the input...I am getting EXCITED!
  • That is great to know, thanks for the advice. And I am definitely OUT OF SHAPE, so I think the breaks will be a necessity. Thanks for the positive feedback.
  • I know if you go to the actual P90X website they have three different P90X packages, and two of those packages come with all the equipment you need and they can set it up as three monthly payments. A girl I went to nursing school with is half way through P90X and the results are ridiculously amazing. That is my goal also…
  • I agree, it does seem great. The whole getting healthy and losing weight thing is so hard without support and people to hold you accountable. I am thrilled and hope and can stick with it and get some results. Thanks!