

  • Good morning, all. What is everyone doing for the holiday? My sister and I are driving into NYC to have lunch and see Mary Poppins on Broadway. I have picked out the restaurant and decided what I am going to have so I know I can stay on track. The tough part is the drive down. We typically stop and Dunkin Donuts and get…
  • Hi, this looks like just the group I've been looking for. I am 53 and looking to lose about 65 pounds, 40 by December 2 when I go on a cruise with old friends is an in between goal. I am going to Las Vegas this month so I know I won't stay on track with my calories every day but my goal is to keep it as healthy as possible…
  • I just made these this evening. Very easy and sooooo good! Thank you. I look forward to trying the same batter with different fruits.
  • Perhaps I did something wrong? I made this this weekend and it was not a hit in my family. It tasted like an omelet with cottage cheese and vegetables which is fine if you like cottage cheese, but not worth the extra time it took to bake it. In my oven it took about 40 minutes to set and it was still pretty wobbly -…
  • I love the idea for the holiday! Any reason Splenda wouldn't work? I plan on trying these WITH the blueberries. Thanks for the recipe and the link!
  • Great thread! Thank you for the inspiration!
  • Where can I find the group, eat more to weigh less? I see it discussed all the time but don't know where it is.
  • I love this idea - and the yummylife site. I already use oatmeal in my yogurt smoothie - I just grind it to a powder and then add in the other smoothie ingredients. So, this is another fun way to enjoy the same ingredients - and have it ready when I get up! Thanks!!
  • Thanks, I'm putting this on the list of things to try.
  • Great work. The difference is amazing!
  • I always thought I was 5'5.5" but last doctor visit she insisted I am 5'5.75" so I guess 5'6" is close enough. ;) Didn't know I could grow vertically at my age. LOL My current weight is 218.5. My highest was 240 a few years back. Just joined MFP yesterday. My first goal is to be under 200 (that's when my BMI leaves the…