

  • Greetings. It is very easy. You have to eat, what makes you happy. That's all. With this system you can loose a lot of kilos. Take an example of myself. I love food - cook myself and try to avoid all this prepared food-junk, you can buy in the supermarkets. But - and this is a huge BUT - only fat makes me happy. Eating a…
  • In short: NOTHING 8-) In long: 1. Try to do a sorted list with all food, that you really like and that makes you happy. The "Happy-Factor" is most important! 2. Do an A-B-C-Analysis ... in other words - what food has the most calories compared to the "satisfaction-value", when you eat it. 3. Cut out A (highest calories)…
  • I had to laugh - when you said ... It took 20 years :smile: Yeah - I am struggeling also for about 25 years now - but after I realized that I can eat "everything" with this fitness-pal-app ... I just have to be honest to myself and put it into my statistics-app ... and of course stop, when I reach 1.900 kcal ... Hey - I am…