

  • July 1: Starting Weight: 139.8 Goal: 132.8 Actual: 136.4 (-3.4) I didn't make it to 7 lbs, but a loss is still a loss and I'm happy with that. A lot of changes went down for me this month, so I'm going to take my loss as a success nonetheless. :)
  • Target - 132.8 Actual - 136.6 I definitely won't hit a 7 lb loss this month, but I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. :)
  • Thanks. I appreciate it. I know I'm just being hard on myself... I'm a bit impatient to see myself healthy too, but relaxing and trusting myself and my body is important. The bottom line is, even when the scale isn't reflecting the numbers that I want to see, I feel better. I feel healthier everyday and can feel myself…
  • Ugh... So, I'm just going to vent for a second. I didn't post my update last week because I was out of town for a funeral. Grief leads to wine, and wine leads to more wine... And on top of that... there were cookies. And massive plates of delicious pasta. And brownies. And beer. And more delicious food. I think I did…
  • Count me in!! July 1: Starting Weight: 139.8 July 8th: Target 138.1 Actual: 140 July 15th: Target: 136.4 Actual: ___ July 22: Target: 134.6 Actual: ___ July 29: Target: 132.8 Actual: ___ July 31: Target: 132 Actual: ___ BTW, I can't for the life of me figure out how to edit my post (so I can just add to my original post…
  • Count me in!! July 1: Starting Weight: 139.8 July 8th: Target 138.1 Actual: ___ July 15th: Target: 136.4 Actual: ___ July 22: Target: 134.6 Actual: ___ July 29: Target: 132.8 Actual: ___ July 31: Target: 132 Actual: ___
  • What if we do a challenge that encourages us not only to continue meeting our personal fitness and nutrition goals but by adding an element of summer fun to it? I'm thinking two categories -- Best workout enjoyed outside (ie: playground, local track, swimming pool, beach, or maybe joining an extracurricular athletic…
  • I wish more parents were like you. Specifically, mine. Welcome, and way to be an awesome mom!
  • Hello group! Queer woman here, and I'm new to the site. I'd welcome any new friends for motivation near and far. :) The more accountable I am, the less likely I am to quit! I'm down 3 pounds and I can't wait to see the next 3 go! And the next 3 after that! Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!!