

  • You could invest in a FitBit - it syncs up to MFP, so there is no more guessing (course it's not going to be 100% accurate, but it really has helped me). I was definitely overestimating my activity level. I've lost five pounds in a month since knowing exactly how much I am moving about. :)
  • After I did the 30 day shred, I bought 2 of her other DVDs - Ripped in 30 and Burn Fat Banish Metabolism. BFBM WILL KICK YOU *kitten*! But stick with it, I've been doing it for a couple of months now and can go through the DVD without wanting to die. When I first started it, I couldn't make it past one and a half workouts.…
  • Feel free to add me - I log daily and my diary is open :)
  • I am 5'4 and 144 pounds and currently happy because the scale is still moving down. I started at 156lbs. I used to be 120lbs, but it was very very very hard to maintain. I can just look at food and gain a couple of pounds these days! My goal is to get to 135 and see what's what :) I agree with the other posters - it…
  • Hello! Simple answer is yes. The last 10 are the hardest. I've been reading a lot about it, as I am almost there myself. I agree with the comments of increasing your calories based on your BMR and TDEE. I used to be on a 1200 a day diet, but I started to get dizzy and the scale was not moving an inch. I calculated my TDEE…
  • I bought a cross trainer for home, and I watch TV when I work out. I work such long/demanding hours and by the end of the day I am so drained that going to the gym may as well be at the top of Mount Everest. So far so good. I am breaking it up with exercise DVDs, and walking. I think you just have to find something that…
  • I'm the same - my weight has plateaued for a couple of weeks now, but that's just how the body works... don't let it get you down though!! Take measurements and photos. My clothes fit better, my face looks thinner, and I am generally more relaxed... which are the benefits that I am taking from kick starting an exercise…
  • Hey guys! I have recently finished the 30DS and thought I'd write this to say - IT WORKS. It works in the way of inches and giving you stamina to do other things. A few days ago I ran two miles, and only stopped if I needed to for no longer than one minute. I can promise you that would not have happened if I didn't do the…
  • There is an app you can get for your phone - which is dedicated to low fat meals. And they are all really good. It's called BBC GoodFood Healthy. :)
  • I don't have many friends on here - I can be your friend too!
  • Hi - it affects me also. I'm not a runner, but am doing around 30-50 minutes of cardio circuit training a day. If I have a couple of beers or a couple of glasses of wine at dinner, the next day is a challenge, or a complete right-off. The science behind is it quite interesting - your body has to ignore all of the foods in…