

  • Of course, it is much easier to say vegetarian when eating out or explaining to anyone why you don't want to eat meat. I was simply saying, for one's own peace of mind they can think of themselves as a pescetarian (or an omnivore if you eat chicken stock, etc.) so they don't have to beat themselves up if they feel like…
  • You guys, take the pressure off, seriously. You're just a pescetarian, Relax!
  • The things I always buy at TJ's are: Tamari almonds Southern Greens Greek Yogurt Cucumber wontons Veggie tempura brown rice rolls Tofurkey Earth Balance Soy ice cream sandwiches (well, not always, but when I'm craving chocolate &/or ice cream I do) I was just there & they were passing out samples of pumpkin ice cream, of…
  • We use agave nectar quite a bit & maple sugar too. Maple sugar is expensive but it's twice as sweet as regular sugar and it's MUCH better for you. Even things like sucanat, turbinado & milled cane are still processed sugar, just less so.