40flabby Member


  • I'm embarrassed to admit this, but now that I have access to all of these user profiles, I STILL have no idea how to connect with any of you! I googled & it didn't help, said I need Facebook or email info to connect with other Fitbit users for challenges etc. What am I missing? Can anyone help me out? :smile: Thank you!
  • https://www.fitbit.com/user/44YJBG I've been using my Fitbit for about 6 weeks & id love to connect with some people for challenges!
  • Thanks! I'll check it out
  • WOW!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Congratulations! Very motivating!
  • Is anyone doing the p90x diet too? I'll be honest, I haven't even looked at that part yet...
  • I started on 4/21 too!! 3 days down-- I loved Day 1 (Total Synergistics), Day 2 about killed me (Agility X) and Day 3 (Yoga X) was my first ever attempt at yoga poses. My core muscles were really sore after day 2! Loving this program!