ursulagoddess Member


  • I had the lapband in 2003 and I am going to be having that removed and going with a vertical gastric sleeve. I'm happy to discuss this with anyone.
  • Only you can overcome your embarrassment, but have faith in yourself that you are taking positive steps to a healthier lifestyle. I've never worried much about what people think of me anyway, I have other things to do with my mental energy. Don't worry about what 'they' think, just find your own groove to happiness. I…
  • YMMV but I’d rather see the leash than have a little bolt in front of my car, that goes for fur babies as well as the humans. I have used the kid leash (the cute plush animal back back/harness) at the Zoo where my little one's are prone to be faster than this slow moving mama. It's a nice helper for when they wiggle out of…