jeanamcloughlin Member


  • An exercise program, just like a diet, can backfire if it's too much too soon. Start by walking more. It'll make a tremendous difference in your attitude, appetite, and weight. Walking can also help you to get to know yourself better!
  • I agree with the adonis belt. If you look up any pictures of ryan reynolds, you're starting to get his figure! You DEFINETLY have nothing to worry about. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be just fine. That weight gain was muscle!
  • Welcome!!
  • You're probably just in a plateau--everyone hits them sooner or later and it can get soooo frustrating! What my trainer told me to do when this happens is the have a 30 hr healthy carb binge. You get 30 hrs to eats some HEALTHY carbs, such as brown rice. It reboosts your metabolism, so to speak. Something to do with the…