

  • This seems confusing to a lot of folks. Look, MFP asks you some questions when you sign up, if you let it go for the recommended (automatic) settings it will establish your BMR then use it to establish a goal calorie that is already a deficit number. In other words, if you did nothing but what your normal routine is (based…
    in confused Comment by loumaag August 2012
  • And, it probably really wasn't a 5 pound gain except gain in fluid. Bet in a couple of more days it will fall off pretty quick. Doritos & fried chicken, lol, that is couple of things that will certainly aid in holding on to water.
  • Yeah, I am pretty sure everyone goes through these phases...well at least there are two of us. Personally I try to indulge the craving but do it in a way that doesn't trash my goal. For example, I was craving something "snacky" the other day but having planned in advance I had fat free cream cheese and some fairly low…
  • ^^^^ This, except #2 might (notice I say might) be changed to "Blink".
  • Just to be accurate curly endive = frisée, broad-leaved endive = escarole. Both are chicory plants and where I was raised, chicory was added to coffee. I have since learned that one should not ruin coffee with chicory and also salads should not be ruined with bitter tasting roots. Oh, you can keep your arugula too. 8^)
  • How about a quiche? Another member put up a recipe here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/678598-spinach-mushroom-quiche-delicious I adapted it a bit but it was still good and the leftovers reheated quite nicely, so you could make it the day before and zap it in the microwave when you wanted to heat it up.
  • Everybody is NOT using insanity.
  • Hmm, why are you not including things you like in your normal diet? I don't mean eating something that completely just wrong, like a whole pizza or a pint of ice cream, but those things, in moderation, should be in your normal diet; otherwise, you are on a "diet" (which you seem to think you are) instead of changing your…
  • I don't have a definitive answer for your question; however, I know that MFP is actually set up for things on a more or less weekly basis. So, take your normal routine for an entire week into consideration when addressing the setup. Only you can decide if you are "active" or "lightly active"; I would say that one of those…
  • Neither diet nor exercise motivates me; however, the answers to "Why I Want To Get In Shape" on my profile sums up my primary motivations. My secondary motivations are what I have listed in my profile about "My Inspirations" along with a visit to the "Success Stories" board here at MFP every couple of days. To paraphrase…
  • Let me just say, the IV steroids are going to be a problem, because they added the weight and since you say they were high dosage, it is going to take 45 to 60 days to lose what they added alone; there is no way around that. That said, according to your profile you are looking to lose 100 lbs. Okay, remember, you didn't…
  • Ya know, I read the original thread (when it was fairly new) now I have read this one. Here, only one complainer and that one really didn't have a real opinion just spewing PC things she assumed actual adults might want to hear; oops. I liked the original one, I like this one. OP - You have nothing to feel apologetic about.
  • OMG! Are we related?
    in Gifs! Comment by loumaag July 2012
  • That is a wonderful accomplishment! Congrats on a successful 1st mission.
  • It means that it then becomes a topic that you can find quickly on your topics. IOW, if you go to the COMMUNITY tab then click the "> My Topics" link, you will see all the topics you have replied to (at least recently). By doing that you can come back later and copy something that you want if you don't have the time right…
  • If that is anything like the European Nestlé FITNESS brands, they are supposed to be 30g per serving for ~155 calories per serving. It appears that most European nutrition labels include both a recommended serving and what 100 grams is nutritionally. Please, check that label again.
  • lol - Actually I think that is probably true, as far as celery goes; however, remember you are burning calories just by breathing. So, don't start counting chewing as an exercise. :laugh:
  • Well, most of the entries here on MFP are pretty close, some are right on; however, there are several, including those entered by the staff, that are just wrong. They may have been right at one time, but things change. So, whenever I go to a new food here, I check it with the box/package or I check the NDL/FNIC database.…
  • After replying to the OP then reading some of the replies that followed I feel I need to say something. A lifestyle change is something that is unique to each individual. One person's lifestyle is not the same as someone else's lifestyle, so a change in that is also unique. I see a lot of folks still are "rewarding",…
  • ^^^^^ This. Most mornings I eat 1.5 servings (1.5 cups) of cereal, 1/4 cup of cut up strawberries and 3/4 cup of 2% milk. That keeps me full most days until lunch time. On the days that it doesn't an apple mid-morning fills the empty spot. Why 1.5 servings? Because I found a single serving doesn't keep me full. Why 2%…
  • In a word, no. First, the whole concept of cheat implies dishonesty. On top of that, who am I cheating? Myself? I don't even want to get into the psychological ramifications of that. Next, if I were to "cheat", it would indicate that I am doing something that has rules, generally rules that I find either rigid, bothersome…
  • I can certainly see a difference. I wish I had shown that much of a difference after just 2 weeks. It is quite noticeable, but look most folks are not going to "see" a change unless it dramatic to them. Folks you see every day won't notice because, like you, they see you everyday. Folks you see only every week or so, won't…
  • Bump. Sorry for that, but I am considering buying one and I am interested in the replies you may get to this.
    in Fitbit help Comment by loumaag July 2012
  • Well, I took the time to read the referenced article before coming back here to comment; that said there may be many comments before mine that I am not bothering to review before posting my reply. That said, I found the author of the article made some good points and then drew some poor, indeed outright false, conclusions.…
  • Well, at my age I could understand it; at your age, I don't. Look, work out a lot this week and have your significant other take you to Natchitoches on Friday for dinner somewhere along the river. Just don't go crazy. :wink:
  • Well, I am one of those folks who weighs themselves every morning; I don't let it upset me if today I weighed more than I did yesterday. I figure by tomorrow or the next day, I will be down again. The trend over time is all that is important. BTW, for those folks who don't weigh themselves daily, how do you know if the one…
  • And that, is how we roll here....
  • Not quite that expensive here; of course we grow it here in the states so... A carton (10 packs of 20 cigarettes) seems to be running the $50 - $60 dollar range depending on brand and where you are buying them. A little late in the day for math but if I can figure that would be about £35 to £36 a carton. Still expensive…
  • You can't let a small set back steer you away from your goal. I had a similar thing this weekend. We took some folks out for a birthday dinner, I knew I was going to eat a lot so I really set to burning up some calories earlier in the day. As it was my dinner was about 1450 cal. But because I saw it was going to happen I…
  • :laugh: I pretty "squishy" myself and I have you by 21 years. In any case my story is both in my profile and my single blog. If you think I can be of any assistance, send a FR and we can see what comes of "mutual aid."