CookieCrumble Member


  • Well, the hottest guys on MFP are ALL of the guys on my friends' list - no contest at all... :bigsmile: In no particular order... Trijoe, Spike, BaconMD, LowCarbNY, Wingchunrick, Tom-Monkey, Yobchir... and you should see the gals I have on my list too... I heart them ALL. :smooched:
  • Mine is worth at least ten times what I pay him. He's really excellent and understands exactly how far he needs to push me to get results. I usually do a session with him to introduce new elements to my routine - then do a week by myself to see how those work for me - then a follow-up session with him to see that those…
  • I'll be watching it, thanks for the heads' up! :flowerforyou:
  • Canada... right next door to Donald Sutherland... :blushing: :love: :heart: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • Sympathies... I battle the 'Olympic lane' of the M4 very often. :grumble: On the falling in love on MFP issue - I really appreciate all of my friends, they're fabulous - some of them, a select few are EXTRA fabulous and are the closest I will ever come to being 'in love' with online... they really are awesome people and I…
  • I had no idea it was that bad! I'm in the UK and we eat there maybe four times a year. I always order 'Wicked Chicken', which is chicken breast, with a hot, spicey rice, pico de gallo, corn on the cob and some kind of sauce, maybe 30ml of it. I asked them about calories and they had no idea so I've routinely put it in at…
  • Pop some grapes in the freezer and take a few out when you want a sweet treat. That should help with the sweet cravings. Other than that, I think you will really have to start telling yourself "No". This was the single best tactic I used for myself in the early days - it works 100% of the time if you say it and mean it. If…
  • I prefer 'fresh' to tinned - but I don't eat puddings now anyway - too high in calories. :noway:
  • Goodness me... do you normally blurt out whatever foolish thing is in your head? Do you understand genetics at all? :noway: I don't think it matters much really, as soon as you open your mouth I would imagine that many men that you would like to breed with will be totally turned off by you and wouldn't 'go there' with a…
  • I listen to Scooter at a very loud volume... and dream of dancing the Tango with Donald Sutherland... :love: I thought everybody did that... I didn't realise there were OTHER mood-lifting techniques? :noway:
  • Naturally thin women are beautiful. Their bodies are the exact shape and size they should be. Somebody who does not have that genetic blueprint, will have to work very hard to make themselves 'fit' what a naturally thin woman does effortlessly. If you really want to make yourself fit a profile that isn't 'you', that is…
  • It's WAY out for me. I have a HRM (Polar F7) with a chest strap. I wear it in the pool - with the wristwatch secured up in my long hair (which is blonde so never goes in the water), along with my MP3 player. Oh the glamour... :laugh: I get a reading of 270(ish) for 60 minutes. The pool is my relaxation time after the gym.
  • Not intentionally BUT sometimes, I fill in my diary with something for dinner - and then don't eat it - or anything else - and I don't correct my diary because I know I'll get a virtual smack from my MFP friends. I've become very finicky over what I will eat and when and I know that I have to watch myself here because I…
  • Yes, well it seems you've both chosen my er... step-son... :bigsmile:
  • :blushing: Donald Sutherland.... and nobody else will do.
  • I don't eat before a workout anytime between 8am-Noon and routinely burn 600-800 calories. I don't eat immediately I get home either; I usually eat my first meal at 3pm(ish). Do what works best for you, your body will know what that is.
  • I do 'British hugs', will that be ok? They're not as cuddly as other countries' hugs but heartfelt just the same... hope that your fortunes see an immediate upturn. :flowerforyou:
  • "its magic x" Cryptic, huh? :bigsmile:
  • Alan Rickman... Phillip Glennister... Marc Warren AND Donald Sutherland... :love: I figure the greater the number of husbands, the more likely it is that I'd find at least one of them irresistable at any one time... :bigsmile:
  • Snort... too funny! :bigsmile:
  • I will always trust myself again and give myself another chance to put things right. I'd do that for anybody else so why not for me? What I WON'T do however, is let myself go beyond some very strict parameters right now because I know I would be setting myself up to fail. MFP has really been an incredible lifeline for me;…
  • Let's not, and say we did.... :bigsmile:
  • I know what you mean, it can be a bit of a double-edge sword to hear, "Oh your bottom looks so curvy now", and you hear the unspoken after-words of, "It looked like a sack of potatoes before...". :embarassed: I always feel like this when somebody says, "You look so beautiful today, that top/dress/whatever really suits…
  • Makes perfect sense to me, Seamaiden, thank you for posting that. :flowerforyou: I just wish everybody would do what they feel is right for them, without being so desperate to label and box up everybody else. It's not 'them and us' depending on the viewpoint, we're not competing against each other - or shouldn't be.
  • I do this too. It feels natural and I feel well on it. I eat anytime from 3pm to 8pm and that works for me. I stick within my macros and workout at the gym just fine three mornings a week. People should do what their body appreciates. Mine likes not having to process food all through the day.
  • I don't dislike 'breakfast food', I dislike the timing of when I'm 'supposed' to be eating it. I think if you're one of those people that loves to eat first thing in the morning, you should. If you're one of those people who doesn't like to do it, you shouldn't. I function perfectly with nothing until 3pm at the very…
  • I don't eat it. I don't like it - it makes me feel ill, so I don't put myself through it. I found out about intermittent fasting here and that is a natural state for me. I'm quite happy not to eat all through the day and just eat one meal. I also workout at the gym in the mornings, hard - it doesn't affect me in the…
  • Love this, it made me laugh in places too. I'm trying to get back up to 1800 having been heatstroked and sunburned last week and not wanting to eat. My cals were at 500. Now just over 1000 and yesterday at 1400 so getting there. I have a little sympathy with people whose hunger levels are affected by various things, it…
  • Yes well, you may be been 'snipped' but perhaps it needs a bigger pair of scissors, like SHEARS, to tackle the problem once and for all. If I were your wife, I would be at the nearest garden centre right now, buying the bluntest pair I could find, before fixing the 'problem', blowing you a 'goodbye' kiss and leaving you…
  • I doubt that any of my MFP friends would accuse me of 'heartless thinking'. I'm quite measured in what I write and think about it beforehand. I am however direct and I personally think it is a disservice to encourage an overreaction that will ultimately reinforce the notion that the daft comment had any kind of validity. I…