

  • This is a really interesting question! I, for one, really appreciate a lot of variety in my meal plan, so I tend to eat a variety of foods throughout the day. I try and have a teensy bit fat at the beginning of each meal because lipids interacting with the duodenum (where your small intestine meets your stomach) gives your…
  • Ha! I was a cheerleader for 1 year in high school! Can I say how much I really miss being able to do splits? It's been quite awhile since I've done any serious stretching. Yoga is a great all-over stretch and I've done some here and there, but not regularly. BTW, saw that you are 3lbs down and on your way to 8! That's…
  • Oh my gosh,pizza's a tough one! I can totally empathize. Congratulations on strengthening your resolve to stay the course. :smile: What did you tell yourself "in the moment" to keep from nibbling?