

  • Ok, I'm a little new to this, but to be honest I haven't seen any difference other than my stomach growling more since I dropped the calorie count. What is TDEE? I feel like such a NEWB because I was always used to eating what ever I wanted.
  • I continue to exercise, but I also got injured so my workouts aren't as intense as they were before. In turn I gained weight because I was eating the same crap I thought I could continue to eat (obviously it didn't work out so well). Needless to say I'm getting back into it and I'm getting married in Dec, so my fat…
  • I'm new as well looking for motivating pople to really push this journey into high gear
  • Not at much as I would like to on the carbs, but I'm still staying within my calorie intake when eating them. I believe its the soda, or something inside of the soda (other than the caffiene), that causes the headache.
  • The only advice I would give would be don't try to do too much too fast. If you haven't worked out in a while and you start heavy and head strong most people will burn out. This is how most gyms make their money in the beginning of the year with the New Years Resolution Crowd (which tends to only last the first month or…