

  • thanks for the encouragement.....
  • What works for me in the "drink enough water every day" department is to add a bit of sliced citrus to it; I learned that while taking care of my DH who had MS - he got to the point he couldn't drink all the water they told him he had to take in daily, and his nutritionist told me to thinly slice lemons, limes or oranges…
  • First post -- well, I do have an ultimate goal of getting down to at least 165, from the 235 lbs I started out with. Was using MFP in combination with Atkins Diet last summer, which was effective, I felt great, lost 25 lbs over the summer, but discovered that in the long run it was simply too expensive to stay on - I know,…
  • I've just rejoined after a year away (and sadly, regained all the weight I lost, and then some!) I need to lose some serious weight, would like to drop at least 75 lbs or so - want to get down below 160 lb at least! I'm 67 years old, in good health, generally, but tire easily and find I can't keep up with my favorite…
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