

  • I know you probably do NOT want to hear this and believe me, I am sooo not trying to be rude! BUT, if you aren't willing to do the metabolism reset (eating AT YOUR TDEE) like suggested then maybe you can't expect to see results like others are seeing who ARE doing the reset? Could that be the problem? If you're like me,…
  • oh my goodness! see, this is why I love this group!! I know I'm not alone! I seriously thought I was insane! I do this all the time and I absolutely believe it's a leftover messed up habit from VLCD days! How sad!! I think when I was doing LC I tried so hard to save calories for the evening b/c I knew I'd be…
    in Hoarding Comment by seobstar June 2012
  • It's not a "Bad" thing per say....just depends on your goal! I'm looking to shed the last 10 pounds and clearly 6 days a week of cardio isn't exactly doing it for me since that's what I've been doing for a solid year and haven't changed in weight/inches, etc. Adding in more heavy lifting should hopefully help me burn these…
  • oh, and just to be clear...basically the problem is that you're not eating ENOUGH and your body is in "starvation" mode, holding onto every morsel of food, hence why you will not lose weight on 1400cal per day!
    in Help Comment by seobstar June 2012
  • read some of the stickies (the posts on the board that have the little tack marks next to then)!!!! then go out here and fill in your info!! you do NOT need to feel starving and deprived to lose weight! Hang in there!! I quickly plugged in your info and it looks like you eat…
    in Help Comment by seobstar June 2012
  • ok so I'm not gonna lie....I'm a teensy weensy (ok, maybe a lot) jealous! hehe!! Can't WAIT until I have your "dilemna"...working on fixing my metabolism right now!! hoping and praying I'll be in you shoes in no time! =)
  • YES! what she said!! read up on this group, check out all the info and then make a decision! It has changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • to answer your question....YES!!! Every time I've upped calories ( I started uppinng about 3 months ago and am now doing the total reset so am upping again) I am SO.STARVING.ALL.THE.TIME!!! It's so annoying but I think it's actually reassuring! It tells me that my body is saying "thank you, I've been so hungry!". My…
  • can definitely see the inches lost!!! great work!
  • yes, this and also they will most likely not be able to sustain that for the rest of their lives!! I don't know anyone that can eat 1200cal every day for the rest of their lives and not feel deprived/irritable, low energy, etc at SOME point! It WILL work in the short term but it's absolutely not a long term lifestyle type…
  • Thanks for your input!! =) But, unfortunately it's simply not that "simple" for me anymore. I've already lost 70 pounds and "know" all the information there is to know about calories, working out, calculating TDEE, etc. doing 500 less than my TDEE isn't working for me....been there done that. That's why I'm going to do…
  • The Scooby calculator says 2500ish for my TDEE so for now that's what I'm going with. I'm doing the reset and planning to eat 2500 for about 8wks. Thanks for your input! =)
  • Ok ladies, so I'm BRAND new here....think I'm gonna jump in and go for it! At this point I feel like I have no other options....I've tried all of them! A little of my back story: I've recently lost 70 pounds over the last 2 years by eating about 1500cal per day. I am done having babies (3 of them) and so after my last…
  • I was already eating basically exactly like the INSANITY plan (high protein, lots of veggies, salmon, whole wheat carbs, etc) and I actually added to my calories. I upped them....there's no cutting back on Insanity!!! you absolutely CANNOT go low cal while doing'd never get through the workouts. they are so…
  • To be honest, my husband never really worked out before doing Insanity...he is one of those people who can kind of just pick things up here and there like he can go for a run randomly when he hasn't run in ages, or bike 20 miles or play a pick up basketball game when he's technically "out of shape' and be ok...and he puked…
  • hahaha!! that would be ME....telling him that I did NOT like it and making him get rid of it! =) hehehe....
  • not to freak you out should be scared! =) hold on to your socks girl!! it's beyond insane!
  • no specific "diet"....I hate that word! ;) We just eat very clean (lots of salmon, chicken, veggies, fruits, high protein, try to avoid processed foods, etc)
  • Thanks! =) in the first 30 days the workouts are about 45 minutes and in the last 30 days (you upgrade to a whole new level of insane workouts) they are about 55 minutes or sometimes 60.
  • hundres, and hundres, and thousands of push ups....and hours and hours spent in plank position!!! =) it's absolutely KILLER!!!
  • yes, I did! I only lost about 5 pounds but lots of inches....I'll have to post those here soon, don't have them on me right now! =) Thanks for your kind words!
  • ahhhh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I was trying to resize it on photobucket and it totally was not working!! thanks!
  • I can't for the LIFE of me figure out how to resize them so that they're not HUGE on the screen. Every time I post them they are so big that you can't see the after photo!!! ugh, getting so annoyed!!! i just went ahead and changed my profile pic to it....
  • I've had 3 kids and gained about 60 pounds with my last one and my stomach is completely flat (no rolls, etc). Now, that being said, I do believe it depends on the person, genetics, etc! Abs are made up 90% in the kitchen and 10% in the gym. You have to eat clean, whole grains, no processed foods, etc. And then on top of…
  • I'm 5'6 and I always strive for about 1500 calories. I'm very active, on my feet all day with 3 little kids and workout very intense 6 days a week. MFP has me at 1680 BEFORE working out, and then usually allows me about 2200 after my workout but I've always stayed around 1500-1600 and lost weight successfully (1-2 pds a…
  • I agree with the above poster......i think you should switch doctors. 800 calories a day makes ZERO sense...
  • this is basically what I do....I usually end up around 1600 a day (I start at 1260, burn about 600 after excercise, MFP allows me 1900ish and I eat about 1600), I've lost 70 pounds so far, about 10 more to go!!!
  • if you're excercising, LOG your exercise and then eat what MFP tells you to eat! You can't eat 1200 calories AND workout, you need more calories than that!!
  • oh, and Jillian's "6wk 6pk Abs" is very, very good too. It's NOT just an abs dvd, it's lots of cardio too...I lost weight and inches doing that...and lost weight and inches doing her Ripped in 30. I am doing another round of 30 Day Shred, then Ripped in 30 right now, and THEN I'm going to attempt Insanity...we'll see how…
  • If I were you, I'd wait for Insanity....try Jillian's "Ripped in 30"'s short JUST like Shred, but much's her next step up from 30Day Shred, I loved it...