

  • OK..where to begin. At least 6 pot holders, numerous socks & underwear, a box of kleenex, toilet paper, several squeakers out of her toys, the stuffing from said toys, a whole loaf of bread, a whole package of hot dog buns, a few birds, bird seed ( very interesting when she pooped), every flower that ever dared to blossom…
  • I see you're fairly new at this site, as am I. Keep a thick skin when posting. Some people seem to forget this is a place of learning & I do believe you got Quite the EDUCATION!! LOL There really is a ton of information to help you. I noticed a division among the community ... those who want to cut calories and those that…
    in WTF???? Comment by jeffnjack August 2012
  • Want a real eye opener? Take a look at a series of books called Eat This-Not That. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! :noway:
    in WTF???? Comment by jeffnjack August 2012
  • Hi there. I pop 2 tums if I find I'm lacking at the end of the day. Like the fruit flavor ones.:bigsmile:
  • Want to give it a try! Thanks. Dumb question coming . . . do you think jumping without a rope (low ceilings) would be as effective? Too embarrassed to do it public.
  • Personal experience? You can eat junk food & lose weight and be thin even. BUT... When I did, I felt yucky! No energy, lethargic, grumpy. Since going clean ( well, cleaner. I just ate pizza:bigsmile: ) I feel great!
  • Hi, Now, don't laugh! This is very "old school" but your dad might get a kick out of this. Jane Fonda (have you seen her lately?) has 2 dvds that might be good for him. One is called Trim Tone & Flex, the other is Fit & Strong. Only $10 each at Target. Best of luck
  • Hi. I battle this daily. A couple things that have helped - I grab a banana then my trusty can of fat free Reddi Wip. A squirt with each bite seems sinful but 2 table spoons has only 5 calories! Granted, full blown Reddi Wip can never be replaced, but this kills the crave. Another thing that works for me is to chew on…
  • All my standbys were already taken. Used the names of my daughter's two gerbils.
  • Hi! There are lots of things you can use around the house to exercise with. Like pop bottles or cans for weights, a small area rug for a mat, a chair to work the arms. The best thing you have are your legs! Walk walk walk. I have a split level house so there are lots of stairs to challenge me. Set small goals, like 10 min…
  • Hi, I can realy relate to this. I've been doing it for a very long time. I am attempting to break the cycle and here's what seems to be working for me: 1. Do not sit in front of the tv mindlessly surfing. 2. Remove yourself from what ever room you eat in after hubby is in bed. I have discovered I really love my living room…
  • My local grocery store has a great fruit tray with pineapple, grapes, cantalope, & apples. Nestled in the center is a lowfat fruit dip. A little pricey, but everyone loves its. I always add either raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries to it.