

  • Just wanted to say a big fat thank you to everyone for your advice! I did contact my insurance and they got me in touch with a different doctor, only about 30 minutes away! And also a nutritionist. I was so worried about needing a c-section, I want an all natural birth so badly, and everyone made me feel so much better…
  • Thank you!!!! This was the main reason I was worried about weight, I just needed to hear from someone that it was possible I guess. OK, definitely need to find a new doctor, an hour drive or not!
  • I was planning to just eat at maint til I can talk to the doctor again, but the next appointment is in 3 weeks. Thank you for the tip about calling the health insurance! (I am new to the USA, and used to Canadian healthcare, I'm embarrassed to say I did not even know my insurance had a nurse help line!).
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