adamsunman Member


  • Good times. 25th will be the first one I can make. See you there!
    in Parkrun Comment by adamsunman July 2012
  • Havant is my local one too, may head down in two weeks time (after a stag and wedding after each other - don't worry, I'll dodge the buffet ;)
    in Parkrun Comment by adamsunman July 2012
  • Have a look on the newer threads, there's a HRM coming into Lidl this week, if you want an inexpensive device to decide what you want displayed on there, might be worth a shout.
  • Thanks for the Heads up ! :) - Roybie, I guess it's a good (and cheap) way of getting used to a HRM, and also lets you work out what you actually want to see in the analytics!
  • I always tell my missus that anything on TV doesn't work as well as a jog, but I have to say, I've had a couple of cheeky goes at the Yoga in the time I have between getting home from work, and her getting home ;)
  • Christy, aside from your diary, how are you planning your weeks. I find that if I don't plan my meals, I'll get home and think 'hhhmn what to have tonight' then have something naughty. However, if I plan my week, I know what I'm having, I can look forward to it throughout the day, and I don't waiver from my plan. I'd also…