Steventhehro Member


  • of course I'm probably a wee bit above my 2lbs a week calorie goal for the day..I am craving some food right now...bad. blaaahh
  • Thanks a lot guys! The support is really motivational..didn't think it'd affect me quite so much haha. I hit a new low of 174.6 today (at the end of workout) and the ab definition was better..give me another 10lbs and I might just be ripped! haha
  • Definitely will, thanks! Heading to the gym now
  • Thanks guys, can't wait to get to where I wanna be
  • Maino - All the above (Really gets me motivated) Fort Minor - Remember the name (great to start a run/jump rope session to..good to lift to as well)
  • Any use of energy is going to burn calories. It's really going to depend just how intense of a workout it is. Also, the more muscle you develop the more calories your body will naturally regardless if you burn a little less than a big run, you'll make up for it in the long run.
  • I've actually been doing something similar to that. I take pictures every couple gym visits..but they also seem to change too much..depending on what I ate/how much I'd had to drink recently I'd have a food baby and then it just makes me feel like I gained it all back. The picture I posted was from today (now yesterday)…
  • Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. I plan on posting more as it comes along (as I'm sure it will..hopefully) because hearing how people see the difference really motivates me to keep going and striving for better. And yeah, I try not to worry TOO much..but sometimes I feel like I can see it and then I just get down and I…
  • Yeah..I just want to get this final 5-10lbs..and I feel like I'm not making much progress..some days I'm like sweet! you look good! and then the next I'm like...there's that stomach again..
  • Actually yes..I now pull my belt two-three holes tighter..I'm fitting into shirts that I used to look ridiculous wearing. Actually got a compliment in one of those shirts today.
  • Lackin' on the motivation/support/advice here
  • Thanks for the responses guys. I appreciate it. I didn't know if the high fat/salt/etc would make a huge difference..I guess if it's only every now and then it shouldn't be too bad. I'm just trying to lose this last 5-10lbs I'm hoping will be the difference I want. (I have pictures in the motivation section if you want to…
  • Thank you, I really appreciate it
  • I completely agree. I just didn't expect it stop quite yet. I actually did change it up a little when i moved to heavier weights and more cardio. I started working out harder trying to push myself over the hump. Like i said, before it was more endurance for the strength training and cardio was whatever i got out of that…
  • Thanks for the response. The exercise keeps me motivated, Im afraid if i take days off ill lose my drive and may fall off. I was doing more endurance training for awhile and since then have gone to heavier weights, 6-12 reps max. I do know it takes time and I need to stop getting on the scale so much (i just really like…