

  • I find myself eating too much junk at night. It can be controlled because I have done it before and I can do it again. So can YOU! When I am being good figure out my meals ahead of time and I also figure in a snack at night. If I cut snacks out totally thats when I blow it. Something else that has helped me is flavored hot…
  • Have a Zip. Got it for Christmas 2012. Love it !!
  • Stop the snacking is RIGHT! I am that person who does great all day and when night comes...nomnom. I m tired and instead of going to bed I snack. See, I even know WHY I do it... Stop the snacking!! It starts right NOW...:happy:
  • Much better day today. Thanks for the motivation.
  • Definitely need motivation, going thru a rough time. Find I am a night time snacker. I can be good all day, night time comes and I blow it. Going thru a very stressful time with both parents. Need to figure out how to deal w it all. Don t want it to be bad eating habits and gaining weight.. Help!
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