Furbuster Member


  • Oh yes there are bikes at the gym - I just find them mind numbing so I avoid them, I'd rather struggle my rubbish legs outside. Yep I did have a physio but to be honest I learnt more from reading stuff off the interweb so I didn't bother after a few eeks. I'm looking at stuff for squats now and beginner technique etc. Has…
  • Thanks I didn't even consider juicing - I'm gonna do that. Food never goes to waste where I live - if I don't eat it the animals do :)
  • Thankyou for your help - I'll start that - I've always been a bit shy of doing squats in case my meniscus tears even more. I'll start carefully and see what happens. Plus more uphill, and yes I do cycle but I generally have two dogs on the back and so I have an electric bike as my legs can't get uphill yet ;) Thankyou…
  • No I never hold on and do the arm at right angles thing. I live in a flat county - there aren't many hills here, but I do live on a hill and walk up that 5 ish times a week.
  • As an aside I would like some advice please. I walk everywhere as I don't have a car and use the treadmill at the gum. I can't run because of a bad knee. I'm trying to get my legs stronger before I go into surgery (which could be a zillion years away). Atm I do half uphill at 3mph at 10-15% and half on the flat at about…
  • :) Thanks for that - looks like they are going to be chicken food!
  • Veggie lasagne? You pretty much stuff what you like in those :)
  • Mushrooms are pretty good too....
  • I don't know the prices in your country but here it's cheaper to buy flour and make your own bread, pizza dough etc. When I was skint I made everything from scratch in batches and froze it... and it saved me a lot. If you can grow a few plants that will help too (even a couple of tomatoes on the window) x
  • Get a hobby that uses your hands in the evening - knitting, lego or something x
  • If I order in it's fish, olives and jalapenos - no cheese, italian base
  • Hey OP. I've been slowly withdrawing from animal products and finding my own level with what I am comfortable with. I will never be vegan (as I have no problem with eating or using animals in other ways and have raised and slaughtered my own backyard poultry for eggs and dog food). But and it's a huge but, I have a massive…
  • That was a very nice post :)
  • Hey. I've been drinking Alpro soya for a couple of years and am now so used to it when I have tasted cow's milk I find it rank. When I first started drinking non dairy I really didn't like it but your taste changes over time. You are UK? The Alpro brand is the creamiest that's why I drink it - my sis hates it for the same…
  • I do understand about the marketing and it is a very valid point. Business is business. I also have the point do we know what is going on in Lisa the Trainer's life? No not really. Maybe she had a baby six months ago, or two babies! Maybe she hurt her back and now is long term disabled but is still able to work? Of course…
  • 9 months ago I went from eating dairy, meat and eggs to a 95% plant based diet - I'm still omnivore as occasionally I have dairy cheese and meat at my Mum's. I have to say I've never felt better, more alert and look better. My skin looks the best it's been in my life and I'm smaller in size. I'm pretty convinced this has a…
  • @rabbitjb - of course you are entitled to your opinion and your judgements. Everyone is, but sometimes *just sometimes* it is better not to go by first judgements and stop and think a little bit.... Maybe I'm wrong in my assumptions? Everyone stereotypes and judges - it's how we react to it that matters (or that's how I…
  • Aren't some boxing coaches waifs who look as though they couldn't hit their way out of a paper bag? They inspire and teach big guys and girls with big muscles...
  • I see it the same way as I see medics and nurses who smoke. That's up to them... I go to them to help me and advise me. If they can do that then they are doing their job.
  • Alpro vanilla is yummy - tastes like custard :)
  • Builder's tea! :p
  • I'm the one at the back - taken about an hour ago - not the most flattering lol...
  • @conkle23 You didn't offend me - it's a valid question and didn't come across as assuming or judgemental at all (unlike the other posters).
  • I too have no picture for anonymity. Likewise my Facebook profile is not my real name but my friends know it's me. I am quite insular, like solitude and prefer it that way. I value my privacy greatly in all ways of life. If someone asked me yes I would show them a pic if it was necessary but I'd be curious to know why they…
  • I love spuds, all kinds and grow and eat loads of them. Jacket potatoes are one of my favourite meals plus very good for when I'm on a budget. Homemade Pommes Duchesse are always in my freezer :)
  • Yep. I was diagnosed for 30 years with something I didn't have. Only recently since I moved areas and to a better NHS trust did the specialists realise it was something else. Wrong meds for 30 years (and their side effects) - yeah I'm angry about it. I learnt my lesson - always ask for a second opinion. Doctors aren't Gods.
  • This is susposed to be pretty good - I have yet to buy it :) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Artisan-Vegan-Cheese-Everyday-Gourmet/dp/1570672830
  • Once a week at the gym (in my periods of trying to lose weight). I don't have scales in the house because I have the habit of becoming obsessed by them and not what my body is telling me. Never on my menstrual week.
  • I was told (dunno I don't eat them) that the bog standard supermarket own brand choc ices are low in cals - if that's what you are looking for? Or is it another health thing?
  • Quality dark chocolate - OMG