mscott45 Member


  • What a lovely way to introduce yourself. I'm vegan by nature (ethics) but have been eating a little fish for health reasons as my protein intake wasn't good enough. I have a fair amount of weight to lose - about 5 stone, I'm not sure how many pounds that is (what's 5 x 14?!). We've got a long battle ahead of us! My…
  • There is: My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom > Continue I agree, that seems very low. I needed about 600 calories a day more when I was nursing - it was great! - and my nutritionist says everyone needs 1,500 calories just for normal bodily functions (breathing, digesting, cell renewal, etc.), so you need over 2,000.…
  • Hi. I'm on here trying to lose weight (about 5 stone) but my daughter is anorexic so we have been to see a nutritionist for her. She was told that you need to have 1,500 calories a day just to do normal body functions like respiration, making new cells, digestion, etc. If you have less than that your body starts to shut…