

  • One of my guilty pleasures, at 65, is feeling superior to all the "kids" - mostly 30-40 yrs olds- in our family who aren't in as good a shape as I am. I have been blessed with overall good health and no serious chronic illnesses. ( I don't count my cancer bout, since so far I'm 3 years cancer free.) Although, it certainly…
  • I'm right there with you. My food diary looks so much worse since I have been maintaining that when I was losing. I agree that I think the key is to add more to the meals, rather than having so many calories left over up for grabs. I find it schocking sometimes to have meals that are in the 600-700 calorie range, but it's…
  • I think we run during the winter, to keep going. This is my first year of winter running. Bad weather is WI has kept me indoors more than I would like, except for races. I really get a kick out of seeing how may crazy Wisconsinites show up for races in single digit weather. Leads to lots of camaraderie. I'm now training…
  • I think this hits the nail on the head- when youre factoring in workouts, you have to maintain enough intake to keep yourself fueled. I have set my calories higher that MFP would recommend, but I use my bodymedia data to keep it balanced with the work I'm doing.
  • Hi, great job doing 30 miles a week. Impressive. :drinker: I'm training for my second 1/2 marathon in May. Lost weight over the winter and now trying to maintain rather than lose myself. It's still a challanging balance. Some days I find myself ravenous after a workout and am still trying to find the perfect pre and post…